Colorado Division of Real Estate
Online Services
1. Please rate how easy it was for you to create your account.

2. The online renewal system was easy to locate on the Colorado Division of Real Estate Web site.

3. Please rate how easy the Online Renewal System was to use:

4. Would you recommend this system to other professionals in your business?

5. Will you use our online renewal system in the future?

6. Which type of license did you renew?

7. What could we do to improve the Online Renewal System?

8. List any other services you would like to see made available online from the
    Colorado Division of Real Estate.

9. Any Additional Comments

Technical Assistance:
E-mail Information Technology Section

Copyright 2005 PSI. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Version 1.0
E-Mail the Division of Real Estate
1560 Broadway, Suite 925
Denver, CO 80202
(303) 894-2166 or (303) 894-2185 - Phone
(303) 894-2683 - Fax
Relay Colorado
(TTY (English & Spanish), Voice, VCO, ASCII, STS Assistance Numbers)