The Colorado
Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) is one of the principal
executive departments established by Colorado law. It encompasses
nine different divisions plus several offices. The purpose of
the DORA agencies is to regulate businesses and individuals
where the state legislature has deemed such regulation to be
necessary and in the public interest.
The various agencies of DORA were established by the legislature
and are governed by specific statutes. The agencies, usually
through boards or commissions, enact rules to implement their
statutes. The process for enacting these rules is open to input
from the public. Questions and complaints concerning any of
the individuals or businesses regulated by DORA agencies can
be addressed either to the Executive Director or directly to
the agency.
DORA's Citizen Advocate
DORA's Occupational and Business Databases
you are not sure which state agency is responsible for the occupation
or industry that you are interested in, search the:
of Colorado Permits and Licenses Index
License Database