Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform

Qualified Medication Administration Person

The following survey is part of the Department of Regulatory Agencies’ sunset review process evaluating the Qualified Medication Administration Person (QMAP) program. It is very important that we get as much input as possible from facilities to assist us in determining the program’s value and effectiveness, as well as your opinion of the licensing and implementing agency. Your participation is a vital part of the evaluation process.

This tool will not be used to evaluate facility operations, only this particular function within the operational context.

Please provide the following information only as it applies to the facility in which you work.

1. What Agency licenses or operates your facility?

2. Where is QMAP training conducted for your staff members and by whom?

3. Your facility either employs directly or contracts with which category(s) of persons?(check all that apply)

4. How often do you review medication administration procedures?

5. How many staff members, of all categories at your facility?

6. How many licensed medical professionals at your facility?

7. How many QMAPs are on your staff?

8. How many residents at your facility? (Average per day)

9. How many medication administrations at your facility? (Average per day)

Please react to the following statements, with the extent that you agree or disagree, only as it pertains to the staff at your facility.

10. The higher the level of education, the less likely a medication administration error is to occur.

11. The QMAP training is necessary.

12. The QMAP training is effective.

13. Medication errors are usually related to record keeping rather than dosage.

14. QMAP training is convenient.

15. The QMAP qualification adds value to a staff member’s employment status.

16. QMAPs are important to the operation of the facility.

17. QMAPs can do everything we need them to do in the facility.

18. Licensed medical staff makes fewer medication administration errors than QMAPs.

19. Record keeping is just as important as dosage in medication administration.

20. We need to watch QMAPs closely.

Please respond to the following questions with a few sentences.

21. If you could make any changes you believe necessary, how would change the QMAP program?

22. What are your general thoughts on the QMAP program?

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