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Imaged Documents Online - Land Surveyor Monument Records

Please Note! There has been a modification in the program which will allow you to block out a portion of a township for record retrieval regardless of the way that the index reference number was entered. See step 5 and the examples at the end of the instructions.

We understand that you may experience problems in your attempt to use the On Line Land Survey Monument Record System and that you may want assistance to determine solutions. These Step-By-Step Instructions are detailed, comprehensive, and the answers that you seek are likely found below. We strongly urge you to thoroughly review these before you call the Board office. Board staff has very limited resources to assist you, although we will certainly do the best that we can. We may not be able to respond to your inquiry in less than two days. Please note that documents are scanned monthly. If the monument record is deficient, we are attempting to have it corrected and it will be posted when accurate.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The index reference maps are not current as of July 1, 2002. This site requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, or Netscape 4.7 to view, print or save documents. Netscape versions 6 and 7 are not compatible.

If you receive an error message telling you that you cannot access the Imaged Documents Online site, please contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or Webmaster and ask them to give you access to Port 8000.

Step by Step Instructions

It is highly recommended that you view and print this page and keep by your computer while using this resource.

Step 1: Logon
  • Make sure the button for Land Surveyor Monument Records is selected.
  • Click the Logon Button.
Step 2: Select Record Type
  • Click on Monument Records.
  • You may also access instructions by clicking on the Monument Records Instructions or the Printing and Saving Instructions.
Step 3: Review Field Criteria
  • There are six fields that you can use to search. Note that the index reference number has been broken into two fields, one field for the number portion and one field for the letter portion.


Maximum Length

Surveyor Terminology

Land Surveyor Monument Records Imaged Document Values

Principal Meridian

1 character

6, N, U, or C

6, N, U, or C


3 numbers
plus S or N




4 numbers
plus E or W



Index Ref #

3 numbers with decimal to tenths place

Precede numbers 1 thru 9 with a zero.


(?* is a "wildcard" that will return all values after 01, so all decimal values will be shown)

Number with decimal to tenths place
Index Ref Letter 1 character with decimal number to tenths place


(?* is a "wildcard" that will return all values after A, so all decimal values will be shown)

Letter character with decimal to tenths place

Received Date

8 numbers (Date)


Step 4: Review General Search Criteria
  • This site requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, or Netscape 4.7 to view, print or save documents. Netscape versions 6 and 7 are not compatible.
  • Your Web connection to Imaged Documents Online will automatically time out (log you off) after 20 minutes of inactivity.
  • There are two columns and six fields. Both columns must be completed for each field that is used or an unlimited search will result.
  • The more specific data you enter in the fields, the more exact your results will be.
  • Your search will produce a maximum of 1000 records per search even though the actual number of records may be greater.
  • If you want exact searches, you should enter the same data in both the left and right columns. For example, if you are looking for 1 North 66 West you would enter 010N in both the left and right Township columns, and 0660W in both the Range columns.
  • Land Surveyor Monument Record images are best printed on Legal Size paper with .25 inch margins on all sides.
Step 5: Enter Your Selection Criteria
  • Principal Meridian: If you are looking in a small area, such as the Costilla Land Grant Meridian, you could enter a capital C only and it would return all records for that Meridian. If you already know the Township and Range values, you do not need to enter a Principal Meridian value. For example, 1 North 66 West would not require the 6 Principal Meridian to be filled in.

  • Township: When entering the Township values you must use three numbers. For example, 1 North would be entered as 010N. DO NOT USE A DECIMAL POINT.

  • Range: When entering the Range values you must use four numbers. For example, 66 West would be entered as 0660W. DO NOT USE A DECIMAL POINT.

  • Index Ref # and letter: This has been broken into two fields: one for the number portion and one for the letter portion. By using both columns in these two fields, you will retrieve all of the records in any given rectangular area, regardless of how the Index Reference Number was entered on the record. The appropriate numbers and letters designate the corners of the area.

    For example, to access all of the records relating to Section 31, enter 01?* in the left "From" column of the number field and 05?* in the right "To" column. Then enter A?* in the left "From" column of the letter field and E?* in the right "To" column.

    Note: ?* is a "wildcard" that will return all values after the number/letter, so all decimal values will be shown.

    Numbers 1 thru 9 must be preceded by zero. See EXAMPLE at the end of the instructions.

  • Received Date: If you use the Received Date values, enter the date (yyyymmdd) in numbers without any spaces in both the left and right columns of the Received Date row. For example, a search for September 14, 1998 ONLY would be entered as 19980914 in both columns. A search for September 1-14, 1998 would be entered as 19980901 on the left and 19980914 in the right.
Step 6: Submit Query
  • Click on "Submit Query" button
Step 7: Retrieve Land Surveyor Monument Records
  • The Monument Records Request screen displays the first 25 records of your search.
  • Each record is a link to an image that can be viewed.
  • There are two types of images:
    • Index Reference Maps
    • Land Surveyor Monument Records (records created and submitted by professional surveyors)
  • Search requests will return the Index Reference Maps before the Land Surveyor Monument Records.
  • Index Reference Maps: These documents will always have an Index Ref #: I in the middle of the line. For example:
    { I }Principal Meridian: C Township: 01.0N Range: 073.0W Index Ref #: I Received Date: Filename: 00001941 Monument Records Create Date: 12/07/99
  • Land Surveyor Monument Records: These documents will always have an actual value in the Index Ref # and not an "I" in the middle of the line.. For example: { I }Principal Meridian: C Township: 03.0S Range: 097.0W Index Ref #: C-22 Received Date: 12/21/95 Filename: 00120546 Monument Records Create Date: 09/09/99
  • Click on the record you want to retrieve. Each record is a link to an image.
  • A small icon of the image will appear (which is referred to as a thumbnail).
  • Click on the icon and the enlarged image will appear on the right side of your screen. Other sizing options will appear on the left side of your screen.
  • If you get a screen with a red X in a small box, click on the Zoom In button and the image will be displayed.

Reporting errors in Land Surveyor Monument Records

  • In the event that you find an error in the way that a record is indexed in the database or an error contained within the record itself, please bring this to our attention. This can be done by telephone, mail or email at Please include all the information shown in the database listing and the information concerning that portion of the database listing or the record that you feel is in error.
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This is an example of a search for all the records pertinent to Sections 31, 32 and 33 in Township 1 North, Range 66 West of the Sixth P.M.

Note that in the Township and Range Fields, the decimal point is inserted by the program and cannot be entered by the user, including any number after the decimal point. There must be three digits and a capital N/S in the Township field and four digits and a capital E/W in the Range field. In the Index Ref # field, Numbers 1 thru 9 must be preceded by a zero. Duplicate entries in the "From" and "To" fields will provide all of the records at a single location, and blank entries will bring up all of the records in the township.


Search For

"From" Column Entry

"To" Column Entry

Principal Meridian





1 North




66 West



Index Ref #

All in Sec. 31, 32, 33


(?* is a "wildcard" that will return all values after 01, so all decimal values will be shown)


(?* is a "wildcard" that will return all values after 13, so all decimal values will be shown)

Index Ref Letter All in Sec. 31, 32, 33


(?* is a "wildcard" that will return all values after A, so all decimal values will be shown)


(?* is a "wildcard" that will return all values after E, so all decimal values will be shown)

Received Date

All Records Filed



Last Modified: November 10th, 2008